How it works

On your website, you insert a tag where the Product Guide should be loaded. Outfindo takes care of everything else. The guide does not affect the rest of the website, it purely serves as a shortcut to relevant product listings.

At the moment, we use iframe technology to insert the guide. It is a “window” that allows you to embed a piece of another page located on a different server into your page. It is an old and standard HTML element that is supported by all browsers.

On which pages should we insert the guide code?

We recommend inserting the guide into all catalog pages that contain product listings. Therefore, you do not need to insert the guide code into pages outside the bike catalog (if you do, nothing significant will happen, the guide simply will not load there).

We can control where the guide appears on our side. Therefore, you can insert our code into your pages without any worries, and then we turn it on whenever we agree on.

Can I insert the guide somewhere other than directly into the catalog?

Yes, the guide should work practically on any page. From our own experience, however, we can recommend inserting it directly into the catalog.

From our own experience, we know that the guide has the greatest chance of helping people when they come across it directly during their natural path through the web, that is, directly in the catalog, where they are browsing your assortment.

What mostly doesn’t work is placing the guide in a separate section and linking to it on the website in the sense of “Want help with your selection? Come this way.” People don’t use the suggested path, they want to move directly in the catalog and work with it.

Where to place the guide on the page?

We recommend placing it above the product listings. It should primarily serve visitors who need help with their selection. Therefore, it makes sense to offer them advice even before they start browsing through the product listings and filters.

Example of a good placement:

Can the guide take into account the chosen category?

Yes. The guide is paired with the categories in your catalog. Therefore, if a visitor to the website chooses, for example, gravel, the guide will not ask them about the bike category, but will instead select gravel and ask the next question right away.

Does the guide contain all the products in your catalog?

Probably not but our goal is to get to 100%. There is a reason for which we do not have data for some products: Brands of the products that we do not have covered, typically more peripheral. We can arrange to process them for you.

Can we have our own colors in the guide?

Yes. We can modify things such as colors or fonts to better fit the Guide into your website. We handle all modifications for you. If you have any requests on how to customize the appearance, please let us know.

What about analytics?

Due to the nature of how iframes work, the Guide and original website are fairly strictly separated, even in terms of analytics. Your analytics tools won’t see what’s happening in the guide, and the guide won’t know what’s happening on your website.

We measure interaction with the Guide on our end. We will share a report on the usage of the guide. We focus mainly on:

We do not use third-party measurement tools or track your visitors in any way.

To track whether a customer ultimately bought the recommended bike, we add the parameter ?outfindo_source=guide_results to the guide links to the product details. This will allow you to track the behavior of people who chose through the guide in your analytics tool. If you share access with us, we will be happy to help you evaluate it.

More about Product Guide analytics

Code for embedding into your website

Please insert this code into the header of your page, i.e. into the <head> element:

<script src=""></script>

The script is in the header to optimize the loading speed of the guide.

Insert this code into your page where you want to have our guide:

<div id="outfindo-catalog-guide"></div>

That’s all.

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